This is easily one of the most painful emergencies. You’re going to want to call the dentist as soon as possible. Meanwhile, rinse out your mouth with warm water, and try to keep the tooth if possible. Also, try to put an ice-pack on it in transit to the dental office.
Toothaches can be the symptom of a lot of different issues. There is no way to correctly self-identify what the cause is by yourself. The best thing to do is start with rinsing out your mouth with some warm water. Then try to gently floss around the tooth to make sure no food is hanging out around there. If it persists, you’re going to need to take a trip to the dentist. An x-ray should help identify the underlying cause.
Oh boy, this is not fun. Hopefully, you didn’t swallow it on accident. If you did, don’t worry you’re not going to die. Try to keep the crown or filling if you still have it and bring it with you to the dentist.
Your tooth is going to be very sensitive to almost any sensation of things going into your mouth. That includes air. You can use clove oil to try to soothe the sensitivity as well as get some dental cement from a local drug store. But your best best is to get to the dentist as soon as you can because you’re likely in pain.
This could happen for a number of reasons, but is potentially very serious and could lead to death. You may have an abscessed tooth. Abscessed teeth are no joke. The infection can spread quickly, and since your mouth is in your head where your brain resides, you’re playing with fire if you let this one go.
People in the U.S. have died within days of neglecting an abscess. DO NOT procrastinate on this. here’s really nothing you can do other than getting to the dentist as soon as possible.
While seeing your gums bleed after you floss isn’t ‘normal’ per say, it can indicate signs of early gum disease or gingivitis. However, if the bleeding of your gums is excessive, recurring, and even leaves your gums aching – you’ve got some warning bells to pay attention to. These are some of the most common signs of gum disease. Especially with gum disease, untreated symptoms can reach the point of no return. Because gum disease occurs in stages, some stages will leave patients with the inability to restore their teeth back to their healthy state.
Reminiscing common knowledge, bridges are infrastructures that connect two points for smooth movement or flow of logistics. Now a dental bridge; being something similar; is built taking support of existing natural teeth anterior and posterior to some missing teeth. Dental bridges provide a fixed option for replacement of missing teeth which can restore functions, aesthetics and stability hampered due to missing teeth.
Dental bridges usually need presence of healthy natural teeth anterior and posterior to your edentulous area. The edentulous area refers to the toothless part of the denture. To connect such areas where an implant is not possible, these bridges are built so as to protect the gums and also to fill in the space left behind by teeth that have been removed or that have been lost permanently. A dental bridge usually involves one or more artificial teeth, also termed as pontics which are held in proper position with the help if dental crowns also known as abutments. The material used to make these replacement teeth can vary from silver or gold amalgam or even porcelain which is the more commonly used material these days as it restores the basi aesthetics of the mouth and the smile.
Our dental experts provide best quality dental bridges which help you restoring your natural dental functions for a healthy time span.
Who does not like a sparkling white smile? Well, a shining smile is one of the many factors that attract people towards you and also one of the important aspects of one’s confident personality. Luckily, with the advancement in technology and multiple inventions and discoveries coming uop every day, there are numerous options today that can whiten and brighten your smile and give you that extra edge of confidence. Bleaching procedures make your teeth shine whiter and brighter. Bleaching process functionally removes yellow stains and discoloration from your teeth to give them a natural white appearance.
Our team of dental experts make sure that you are served with the results nothing less than what you are looking for; a sparkling smile that will make you happy, confident and others envious. The process is not like others whish require many a visits to the dentist or the clinic. Teeth whiteners are products on the lines of tooth pastes or mouth rinses which can be prescribed by dentists for home use and also procedures for bleaching can be conducted in the clinic if required. A proper dental care routine accompanied with these products and timely consultation
We have all sorts of whitening or bleaching agents readily available with us in our dental clinic.
It is always advisable to cover your root canal treated tooth with dental crown. Root Canal treatments once done, the tooth that has undergone the procedure is rendered sensitive for a certain period of time which can vary from person to person, In such cases it becomes much necessary that the tooth is protected against sudden shocks and abrasions like the ones that occur from abrasive food items or too hot or too cold food and drinks. At such times, dental crowns are the saviours.
At our clinic, we specialise in dental crowns and are dental technicians would be more than happy to help you out. With the availability of a wholesome number of options, it is definitely suggested that the patient shares what kind of dental crown or what kind of aesthetic look they would prefer when getting a dental crown fitted.
We provide quality metal free porcelain crowns (tooth coloured crowns) as well as a host of other options. Root canal treatment renders treated tooth brittle. To avoid situations such as fractures and increase strength of teeth, one should definitely not ignore the need for a dental crown. Porcelain crowns are better options when compared to metal crowns as they are natural in appearance and are metal free, an important factor to be considered in cases of metal allergy. Hence, we recommend you to get a proper consultation with our expert dentists. Even if you have already got a RCT, i.e. Root Canal Treatment done at any other location, our consultants can still help you out with your dental crowns.
We make sure the patient has understood the reason for getting dental crowns, the type of dental crowns that would need and what kind of dental crowns would suit them as well as what exactly the procedure involves.
This is one thing that everyone dreads, be it people of any age. Tooth Extraction as does the name and process suggests, usually scares people thinking it to be painful and excruciating process. Our dental team tries their best to render painless tooth extraction for hopeless teeth, impacted teeth and non- restorable teeth. We are always prepared to perform emergency tooth extraction to relieve a patient of their intolerable pain.
Any sort of dental extractions are our forte. We are well equipped and well prepared to perform even the toughest of dental extractions with utmost ease and comfort and bring back those valuable smiles. With our doctors specialised in carrying out tooth extraction of patients of all age, we have people smiling on their way back even after tooth extractions. Our team also provides most feasible and convenient options for replacement of extracted teeth if required to be restored.
There are various reasons that lead a person to undergo root canal treatment which includes deep dental decay associated with throbbing pain, trauma to teeth leading to chronic infections, intentional root canal treatment for teeth with severe attrition, fracture of tooth and many more.
Depending on the nature of the damage or the kind of treatment required, root canal treatments, better known as RCT can take anywhere from 1-4 sittings with the dentist. The procedure is usually an elaborate one. AT our clinic, however, we make sure that every visit to your dentist makes it worth the time and efforts and our experts plan procedures that can be completed in the least of time required so as to not cause any inconvenience to our patients. Proper procedures, explaining to the patient in depth through pre- and post- procedure consultations, thorough patient communication and more of this is what makes us the first choice of patients willing to go for root canal treatments. Our specialists make sure that you are comfortable during the entire process and give prime importance to patient care and comfort.
Our dental team experts diagnose the cause in depth and provide most suitable treatment options to resolve these issues. Dentists here are well acquainted with root canal procedures and perform it with utmost ease and comfort.
That is one of the reasons why we boast of our services when it comes to root canal treatments.
As is said, oral cavity is the mirror of the body. A healthy mouth indicates a good health. Yellowish or brownish deposits frequently seen as calcified mass on teeth, termed as calculus, responsible for bleeding gums, foul smell and even tooth loss in some advanced cases. In case of any such visible symptoms, it becomes imperative to visit a dentist and undergo scaling, i.e. cleansing of teeth. With the facilities of high- end equipment like ultrasonic scalers to remove even tiniest bit of calculus from teeth and gift you a healthy mouth free from periodontal problems such as pyorrhea.
Periodontal problems are also associated with diabetes, blood pressure and heart problems. So a mouth free from infection also helps in diabetic control as well as maintenance of a healthy heart. Hence it becomes but imperative that dental cleaning is given as much importance as it deserves. It is usually seen that people overlook this minor but important factor which then may give rise to numerous other health issues. Oral hygiene is as important as the hygiene of any other part of the body and neglecting it can lead to some serious troubles that people need to be aware of and also put efforts to make sure they keep their mouth and teeth clean, which is not limited to just regular brushing.
Lofts Dental Care offers the highest quality dental veneers in Langhorne, PA and the surrounding areas. Veneers offer a way to simultaneously enhance smiles and protect teeth from damage, wear, and tear. Perfect for restoring individual teeth or an entire smile, veneers sit on top of actual teeth to create perfect smiles in a non-invasive way. Our office will work with you to determine the best material for your dentures, whether that be dental porcelain or composite, and discuss the advantages that veneers can have for your life.
Although people think of veneers as the type of dental treatment that creates perfect,”Hollywood” smiles, veneers are useful for so much more. They can cover over a cracked, damaged, or weak tooth, offering a solution to individual teeth that trouble you. For those who have poorly-aligned teeth or have teeth that have experienced the effects of aging and wear, veneers are a solution to restoring youthful, healthy-looking teeth and revitalizing your appearance. In the case of some patients, veneers are an even better solution to misaligned teeth than clear braces!
To get the most out of dental veneers, it’s best to leave the application in the hands of a skilled dentist. Here at Lofts Dental Care, we have the skill and knowledge to provide you with the brighter, healthier-looking smile that you’ve always wanted. We’ll answer your questions and pay attention to your individual needs because we value offering dental care that’s high-quality as well as personalized. Our network of dentists and oral surgeons, including resident dentist Dr. Arti Kaul DMD, work closely with us to serve our patients’ needs as quickly as possible while still providing the high level of care that our clients love about us. If you are interested in our services, or interested in learning more about how veneers can change your smile, contact Lofts Dental Care today. We look forward to seeing you smile!
Lofts Dental Care offers the highest quality dentures in Langhorne, PA and the surrounding areas. For some, dentures offer a way to restore a youthful, healthy smile while enhancing your quality of life. Dentures have come a long way with advances in medical technology, making them more accessible, convenient, and realistic than ever before. Whether you’re missing all your teeth or only a few, dentures let you enjoy the things you love with radiant, beautiful teeth.
For some of our patients, we’ve found that dentures offer the perfect restorative solution to missing teeth. Some dentures can be fabricated and worn immediately after teeth are pulled, and offer a lower-cost alternative to more expensive dental implants. Lofts Dental Care knows the advantage of properly-fitted and adjusted dentures, which is why our dentures are fabricated on-site by our technicians, and are constructed to perfectly fit your mouth. We also provide denture adjustments so as your gums, jaws, and teeth change, your dentures can change with you for maximum comfort and health.
Dentures come in a variety of styles and fits, including more traditional complete dentures as well as partial dentures—sometimes known as a dental bridge—that use the structure of your remaining teeth to hold artificial teeth into place. This innovation is a wonderful alternative to complete dentures for those who find themselves only missing one or a few teeth, and provide patients with pearly-white, healthy-looking teeth in a minimally-invasive, comfortable way.
When it comes to fixing your smile, modern dentistry offers so many wonderful options. We make full dentures, partial dentures, flexible dentures, and implant-supported dentures. When you visit our office, our dentist, Dr. Arti Kaul DMD, will examine you to determine the best dentures for your mouth, and provide you with detailed information and skilled care. Our network of dentists and oral surgeons work closely with us to serve our patients’ needs as quickly as possible while maintaining a high standard of quality. If you are interested in our denture services, please contact Lofts Dental Care today.
In today’s times, aesthetics hold a major importance these days and having a beautiful smile increases your persona and confidence manifolds. Our team of specialist works really hard to provide best aesthetic options for our esteemed clientele. Composite fillings are a term being heard quite constantly in the domain of dental and oral healthcare. But not everyone is quite aware of what these composites actually are! So let’s get a sneak peek into the details. Composites basically are tooth colored filling material available in market which can be used to treat caries, as material to restore teeth after root canal treatment and even for correction of minor irregularities and spaces between teeth. As explained, these material fillings being of the color same as the teeth, do not create a color palette in mouth and blend in without anyone being able to notice the difference. Filling in the void spaces to complete the natural denture and also to mask any kind of shortcomings in our teeth, these fillings kind of cover up our dental imperfections to give an outer look of perfect teeth. Our expert team is well adapted to the guidelines for use of composites and provide best solutions. Visit us today to know what solutions suit you best and how you can also get hold of that flaunt worthy perfect smile